Scrofulous pronounced \SKROF-yuh-luhs\ From scrofula, a tuberculosis of the lymph glands, especially of the neck. The word scrofula derives from Late Latin scrofulae, plural of scrofula, diminutive of Latin scrofa (breeding sow), perhaps from the belief that breeding sows were subject to the disease. In olden times it was believed that a royal touch would cure the disease, which was also known as ‘king's evil’. Of or pertaining to or affected with scrofula. morally corrupt.
‘I am aware that there are no sleek pacers here, only scrofulous jugheads, square-gaiters with more fur on them than the coats on the society dames on the Via Veneto back in Rome.’
Jeff Wells; Punting with Les Mugs of Paris ; The Daily Telegraph (Sydney , Australia ); Jan 16, 1999.
Christopher Hitchens; Fairness; The Atlantic Monthly (Boston ); Jul/Aug 2001.
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