Thursday, June 23, 2011

Nicki Minaj's Romantic Dinner Date With Her Man!

Nicki Minaj enjoyed a nice romantic dinner with her boyfriend Sarafee Samuel.

Considering the amount of stalker paparazzi and super fans who also staked out the restuarant, this is as close to romantic and private things get for a hip-pop superstar. The duo held hands and Nicki even shot up the peace sign to adoring onlookers.

Nicki Minaj spent the early part of the day tweeting to fans and doing what Ms. Minaj does. From Nicki's low key leggings and t-shirt look, it appears her green wig is still on loan to Lady Gaga and she's still leasing Lil Mama's swag.

All jokes aside, Nicki is doing her thing while on tour with Britney Spears and we hope to see the "Monster" rapper at the BET awards this week.

Check out Nicki's romantic dinner at Katsuya in Hollywood!