Thursday, June 2, 2011

How to get Jennifer Lopez's superfit legs

A great way to motivate yourself exercise-wise is to focus on a celebrity you love and make achieving their shape— or, say, their arms or abs— your goal. For me, it would be Jennifer Lopez’s sexy, muscular dancer’s legs. Yes, they’re clearly a genetic gift but J.Lo’s celebrity trainer, Tracy Anderson, also has something to do with how great the singer/dancer/mom is looking lately. We caught up with Tracy who is herself an exercise inspiration, at her gorgeous New York studio. She gave us five leg-centric, full-body exercises we can do so short-shorts season comes with no excuses.

Tracy is always changing up Jennifer’s workout. Our muscles need to be challenged in new ways every ten days, she says, for maximum effectiveness. That way we never get used to an exercise and nothing ever becomes too easy!

The five exercises Tracy showed me can easily be done at home. We used a mat for padding (you could substitute a towel) and some arm weights to add instability and more of a challenge. Each exercise focuses on legs and butt but also incorporates arms and abs, which is why Tracy’s method is so effective. No muscle is left unchallenged.

The next best option to a personal workout with the master herself is Tracy’s new DVD workout program, Metamorphosis by Tracy. It's a series of 9 discs customized for different body types that change up the routine every ten days. For more info, check out and if you try it, let us know what you think.