Thursday, June 16, 2011

Rebecca Black Pulls Friday From YouTube After Dispute With Ark Music

The ongoing war between Rebecca Black and Ark Music has just cost the world YouTube access to the singer's “Friday” video. Coming less than a week after the music publisher and owner of the host account started trying to charge fans to listen, Black and her family ordered the video service to remove the clip immediately. They complied a few hours ago, no doubt leading to a flood of auto-tuned tears in middle school summer class rooms and frozen yogurt stands from Beijing to Montreal.

It all goes back to who owns the rights to Rebecca Black. Ark Music is not a record label as you might think of it. The company simply charges wannabee musicians, and in exchange for a flat, upfront fee, provides them with a song to record and a music video. Obviously, “Friday” turned into a phenomenon no one expected, and since, the company has been readily peddling Black's image to attract new clients. This touting of their previous success to generate revenue isn't a problem but charging people to listen to the song when they don't own the rights is certainly sketchy business practice.

According to TMZ, a spokesman for Black has confirmed it was the family who ordered the takedown, but there's no word yet on whether her camp will simply re-upload the clip themselves. I really hope they do, provided it's free.

“Friday” may be a bit of a ludicrous joke, but it's a fun joke worth having around. Five years from now, I want to be able to hit up YouTube and listen to Rebecca Black sing about needing cereal.

First, the National Football League locks out its players. Then, the National Basketball Association struggles to come to an agreement. Now, “Friday” has been pulled off of YouTube. Why can't we all get along?