Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Pippa Middleton Effect! Will This Be Her Next Rise? Countess Percy To Duchess Of Northumberland!

It has been a little over a month and a half since the Windsor Spectacular Spectacular and the advent of the ‘delicious derriere’ of Pippa Middleton onto the world stage.

Since then, the kid-sister of H.R.H. The Duchess of Cambridge seems to continue unabated on her almost rocket like propelled rise to fame in the stratosphere of public interest.

Not content with simply upstaging the bride on her big-day, it now looks like she is at least attempting to capture herself if not a prince by name and title, something one would consider the next beside thing, an heir to an English Duke.

In the annals of history the allure of an English duke has stood the test of time. Even in the headiest days of the ‘Cash for Coronets’ craze of American dollars transferring to noble coffers, the English Duke was considered the grandest matrimonial prize.

It has been remarked on here and elsewhere that Pippa has made no secret of her hot pursuit of big fish to fry.  Throughout her dating career, she has had stiff requirements for those who sought her hand.  Money, the right connections, a place in the city, a sprawling pile in the country, and for the cherry on top, a title, ideally an old and respected one!

Pippa’s most recent scion, Alex Loudoun sprang from a landed family with connections to the gentry. Although most of the boxes were ticked, the proposed future ‘Mr. Pippa Middleton’ lacked a title. 

Now, all signs seem to indicate that Alex Loudoun has been shown the door, even though he had pride of place alongside the Middleton family at the wedding, One source close to Old Etonian, said: ‘Pippa has become very high profile and it's put a strain on things. They're moving in different circles.’

Harking back to Pippa’s reportedly intense, albeit sisterly competition with her older sister, perhaps it seems the gloves are now off, and Pippa is closing in on what she really wants, a closer place in the pecking order that revolves around the monarchy.

Former university flatmate, old friend and current boss, Mr. George Percy, the Earl Percy, and if all goes right the future 13th Duke of Northumberland, might just be the replacement for the former Mr. Loudoun.

If this is in case true, with George, Pippa would hit the jackpot.  Heir to ancient title steeped in the traditions of English history, an incredible country place to call home, Alnwick Castle, and a golden bank balance from a roughly £315million fortune. 

The question now remains, has Pippa Middleton officially broken from Alex Loudon, her boyfriend of nearly eight months? The tabloids are reporting she was spotted last night at a London restaurant, Le Cercle, having a long, intimate dinner with old friend/old flame/new boss George Percy. Apparently the meal and chat ran three hours, lasting until midnight. Sources were watching.

After that, Pippa Middleton and George Percy left the restaurant together and walked to his nearby apartment.

While hoofing it to Percy’s digs, Pippa and her companion noticed cameras coming at them along the way, and they sprang apart, sources say. ‘He jumped to one side of the pavement and she jumped to the other. And then he tried to hide his face with his jumper (sweater). It was very strange behavior,’ a watcher reports. Keep in mind, this was past midnight, and spies were out on the street, for the express purpose of catching Pippa Middleton up to something. And they think they did, because she went inside his apartment and did not re-emerge for two hours.

Are Pippa and George carrying their relationship to a new level? It seems she is staying mum on the matter, as no official word has been said. 

Pippa has had George in her cross-hairs since university, perhaps her patience is about to payoff!

 Has Pippa Middleton Broken Up
With Former England Cricketer Alex Loudon?

By Daily Mail Reporter

June 12, 2011

Pippa Middleton has split from her boyfriend, it was claimed today.

The younger sister of the new Duchess of Cambridge has not been seen in public with former England cricketer Alex Loudon for weeks.

'It is common knowledge in their close circle of friends that Pippa and Alex have recently split up,' one told the Sunday Times.

Special relationship: Pippa spotted out again with ex-boyfriend George Percy at the French Open

Having a laugh: Pippa and George look relaxed in each other's company. The pair have known one another for 10 years

The 27-year-old has become one of the most eligible women in Britain since she made her appearance at the wedding of Prince William to Kate and has been pictured with a string of male friends since.

Her profile sky-rocketed after she was seen walking behind Kate in her matching white bridesmaid dress made by Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen.

Pippa's derrière became so popular it was even given its own Facebook page and social networking site Twitter went crazy with people calling the party planner, Her Royal Hotness.

Holiday time: Pippa, right, arriving for her holiday in Madrid and a few days later on a night out with George.

She has since been pictured on holiday with her ex-boyfriend and close friend, George Percy in Madrid.

They dated while at Edinburgh University, where they were also flatmates, and have been friends for nearly 10 years.

The pair were spotted with friends but more importantly, Pippa's boyfriend was nowhere to be seen.

Pippa and Alex have not been seen together since he was invited as a guest to Kate's wedding.

Mr Percy is the son of the Duke of Northumberland, one of the richest men in Britain.

Is it over? Former England cricketer Alex Loudon has not been seen with Pippa since the Royal Wedding Britain.

The couple were later seen at the French Open in Paris, laughing and chatting in the stands and more recently were out having dinner in London.

After dining out at Chelsea's Le Cercle restaurant, the couple were seen spending some time together at Mr Percy's London flat.

Their recent outings together have sparked speculation that the couple have become an item again.

Pippa has also recently accepted a job working for Mr Percy, who runs a geothermal energy firm - a revelation which could have turned Mr Loudon green with envy.

Shortly after the Royal wedding there was speculation that she and her city broker boyfriend, 30, had become engaged but Pippa has not been seen with him since and according to friends of Loudon, the relationship has ended.

Yesterday Pippa was seen at the wedding of close friend Sam Waley-Cohen, who married Bella Balin.

She attended the wedding with the Duchess of Cambridge at a church in Lambourn, Berskhire.

Jump-jockey Waley-Cohen has been credited with reuniting Prince William and Kate Middleton after their brief split in March 2007.

Mr Loudon, who was educated at Eton and retired from international cricket in 2007, has reportedly told friends that if he ever broke up with Pippa, they would be the first to know.

Mail Online has repeatedly tried to contact the Middleton family who have been unable to respond.

Family affair: Pippa with her sister the Duchess of Cambridge at the wedding of Sam Waley-Cohen in Lambourn, Berkshire

Say Ciao To The Pipparettes:
Rich, Privileged And Loyal...
The Best Friends Of Pippa Middleton

By Elizabeth Sanderson & Katie Nicholl

 Daily Mail
June 5, 2011

Rich, privileged and fiercely loyal, they have been dubbed the Pipparettes – the closest friends and confidantes of Pippa Middleton, playing a crucial supporting role as she adjusts to life at the top of the worldwide celebrity A-list. Alice St John Webster and Camilla Campion-Awwad are the new leading lights of the Chelsea set – and they’re never far from their best friend’s side.

Here, ELIZABETH SANDERSON and KATIE NICHOLL offer a tantalising glimpse into their world and that of their friend and honorary Pipparette, George Percy...

First in line for high jinks...the Marlborough old girl in vertiginous heels

Girls together: Pippa enjoyed a post-Royal Wedding weekend in Madrid with Camilla, left and Alice

First in line for high jinks...the Marlborough old girl in vertiginous heels:

Alice St John Webster, 29

Alice, 29, was in the same year as Kate at Marlborough College, the Wiltshire public school Pippa also attended.

An integral member of the ‘Glosse posse’ – the young polo set in Gloucestershire – she is also a close friend of Prince William’s pal Guy Pelly and Alicia Fox-Pitt, Kate’s best friend from school.

At the Royal Wedding, Alice was given a prime seat in the Statesmen’s Aisle, next to Lady Natasha Rufus Isaacs, the daughter of the Marquess of Reading and behind Prince William’s ex-girlfriend, Arabella Musgrave.

Described as 'fun, outgoing and bubbly', Alice is very protective of Pippa and terribly discreet

She also attended the evening party for the couple’s closest friends, tottering out in the early hours in a pair of vertiginous heels.

Alice, Pippa and Kate were all in the school tennis team and shared a lot of the same friends.

One close friend said: ‘They were a very tight group and all best friends from the age of 14 upwards. To be honest, it could be a bit suffocating.

'They did everything together and they were all sporty and loved being outdoors.’

Described as ‘fun, outgoing and bubbly’, Alice is very protective of Pippa and terribly discreet.

She also went to Edinburgh University with Pippa and studied French and Spanish.

At one point she was an aspiring actress, appearing in Alan Ayckbourn’s A Small Family Business at the Bedlam Theatre.

A contemporary said: ‘She was really rather eye-catching. She has boundless energy, is a great networker and is the first in line for any high jinks. You always heard her before you saw her, she was always the life and soul.’

Pippa and Alice played in the university’s hockey and tennis teams but according to one close friend, they also threw ‘some pretty raucous parties.

Alice was in the same year as Kate at Marlborough College, the Wiltshire public school Pippa also attended.

'They were sporty in the day but in the evening let’s just say they knew how to have fun’.

Alice is the daughter of businessman and former Army captain St John Webster and his wife Inga.

She has two older brothers: Woody, who runs a company called Bright Young Things Tuition, and Alexander, who runs a software firm.

Her younger sister Clemmie is about to graduate from Oxford University. On leaving EdinburghAlice began working for financial services firm JP Morgan but then decided to become a teacher.

She now lives in Fulham and teaches French and Spanish.

The friend said: ‘She has always loved languages and children and is actually more suited to a teaching career than that of a ruthless banker.

'She’s engaged to a lovely French man. He’s not well-known. She’s yet to set the date but it will be later this year probably. Pippa has been helping her come up with ideas.’

Alice also ran the 2007 London Marathon, raising money for the Rainbow Trust which supports families who have a child with a life- threatening or terminal illness.

A first-class mind and unashamedly high-maintenance

Camilla Campion-Awwad, 27

'High maintenance': Camilla Campion-Awwad is fiercely loyal to Pippa and quick to spot anyone who might want to get close to the sister of the future Queen of England for the wrong reasons

Haughtily beautiful and unashamedly ‘high-maintenance’, Camilla is the daughter of the Jordanian plastic surgeon Awwad M. Awwad and Constance Campion-Awwad, an Irish practice nurse. 

She read English literature with Pippa at Edinburgh. Extremely clever – she got a first – Camilla is said by friends to be hugely lively, the last to leave a party but the first to be up the next day, bright-eyed and full of energy.

She is a regular visitor to the Middleton family home in Bucklebury, Berkshire, or Middleton Manor as it is now known.

On leaving university, Camilla worked in the City but is now part of the family plastic surgery business.

One acquaintance said: ‘She’s a nice girl but she expects the finer things in life. She had an ex-boyfriend who was quite a troubled young boy and had a few problems with drugs. He was from a very good background but didn’t have a lot of money.

'Camilla always wanted to go to the best places and drink champagne and fine wines. He bought her a Rolex too. It was a very tempestuous relationship, very fiery, and it ended when he allegedly broke into her house.’

Camilla attended Latymer Upper School, the £15,000-a-year private school in Hammersmith, West  London, near to the family’s Kensington home.

Expensive: Camilla attended Latymer Upper School, the £15,000-a-year private school in Hammersmith, West London, one of the best fee-paying schools in the capital.

One of the best fee-paying schools in London, fellow alumni include supermodel Lily Cole, actors Hugh Grant and Alan Rickman, and chef Heston Blumenthal.

She is fiercely loyal to Pippa and is quick to spot anyone who might want to get close to the sister of  the future Queen of England for the wrong reasons.

The Campion-Awwads are a solid, Liberal Democrat family. Camilla’s younger brother, Oliver, 24, is a  parliamentary researcher to the Lib Dem MP for Bath, Don Foster.

Camilla also volunteers for the Young Anglo Jordanian Society, which encourages young people aged between 16 and 35, with an interest in Jordan, to ‘network, share and connect’.

Pippa Goes Global:
The Very Lucrative Rise And Rise
Of Her Royal Hotness (And That Unforgettable Derriere)

By Catherine Ostler

The Daily Mail
June 4, 2011

Her Royal Hotness: Pippa Middleton, pictured here at the 2011 French Open, has been inundated with offers of work.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge might be planning their first big tour, to the wilds of Canada followed by Los Angeles.

But wait — someone else has sneaked in front of them at check-in at Heathrow and grabbed all the attention.

Her Royal Hotness is on tour already.

Pippa Middleton’s pitstops in European capitals, accompanied by handsome companions and spanking new High Street togs, have been just as photogenic as her McQueen-clad derriere sashaying down the Abbey aisle in her sister’s wake.
Of course, from the moment she nearly crashed Twitter on the Royal Wedding day, Pippa has become a global celebrity in an age where having a talent isn’t a prerequisite for fame.

She has been inundated with offers of every conceivable kind, some unprintable. Those who know her are in no doubt that she is revelling in the attention, and intends to use it to her best advantage.

‘She is the most socially ambitious person I have ever come across,’ said one acquaintance, ‘and one of the most vivacious.’

And while she weighs up job offers, aristocratic suitors are lining up, handbags are being renamed after her, and she has her sights set on becoming a party planning entrepreneur.

And given the fact she is a publicity magnet, has a bulging contacts book, determination and drive, only a fool would think she wouldn’t succeed.

This week, it was Paris’s turn for a taste of that almost-Royal ‘It’ magic, because Pippa couldn’t resist the lure of a tennis freebie.

At the French Open, in a low-cut Zara dress and big Gucci shades — think Jackie O meets Julia Roberts at the polo in Pretty Woman — Pippa looked poised in the stands, and the actual tennis match lost its grip on the crowd.
The sponsor of the Roland Garros tournament, Peugeot, couldn’t believe its luck.

Marketing director and great- great-grandson of one of the founders, Xavier Peugeot, got so overexcited he looked like he was going to faint, and  ‘presented her with a book charting the 200-year history of the brand’ which she accepted coyly before presumably leaving it under her seat on Eurostar. 

Networking: Pippa Middleton with Peugeot's director of marketing Xavier Peugeot (left) at the 2011 French Open.

That night Pippa could be found at a fashionable restaurant, Le Cinq Mars, and then at a club, Montana (a Kate Moss favourite, based on New York’s Studio 54), until 2am with three companions, one of whom the Mail can reveal is a well-connected, titled entrepreneur, and therefore perfect Pippa material.

He is the Vicomte Arthur de Soultrait, and he has a smart flat on the rue de Varenne in the 7th Arrondissement where Pippa stayed.

This exquisitely-named young French aristocrat comes with  a family chateau, a love of hunting and shooting and a brand named after himself.

‘Vicomte A’ sells brightly coloured preppy clothing and sportswear (upmarket Jack Wills or youthful Ralph Lauren) from Palm Beach to Barcelona via St Tropez, although he’s not yet 30.

He’s designing the ties for the French Olympic team in 2012. Vicomte A’s slogan: ‘L’Instinct Chic.’ All of which means that his pink jeans and beard can be overlooked.

'Unforgettable derriere': THAT dress that sent Twitter into meltdown.

A couple of weekends ago it was another city, and another young Lord.

It was Madrid’s turn for a Pippa stopover, with some girlfriends and the future Duke of Northumberland, her one-time Edinburgh flatmate George Percy (rumours of a university romance are inaccurate, according to friends).

He took the oars on the city’s boating lake while Pippa fetchingly dragged her hand in the water.

George, a titled entrepreneur and old friend (his castle, Alnwick in Northumberland, is much bigger and older than Arthur’s chateau) has even asked Pippa to do lobbying work for his new geothermal energy company, one part-time offer she is said to have accepted.

He jumped the queue.

Chat show queens: Oprah Winfrey (top) and Barbara Walters (bottom) want to make Pippa TV royalty by giving her a chat show.

Although Fox might have returned Cheryl Cole after realising it didn’t have a clue who she was, U.S. television networks have no such problem with this power brunette.

Broadcasting doyennes Barbara Walters and Oprah Winfrey are reported to be slugging it out to make the highest offer for Pippa to host her own chat show.
Never mind that neither of them has ever heard her speak — if she sounds anything like Kate she should manage fine, a public school drawl being more intelligible than pure Geordie.

Barbara Walters, according to a source, thinks Pippa’s ‘sassy, young and gorgeous’, and that ratings would soar.

Meanwhile, even U.S. television’s biggest name, Oprah Winfrey, is said to want her for her Oprah Winfrey Network channel.

Unfortunately for America, there’s no sign she’s interested in these supposed offers, and given her social set, the entrepreneurial route is much more likely.

Family affair: Carole and Michael Middleton run the Party Pieces company, which Pippa has promised to work for.

Like her elder sister, Pippa has the power to influence fashion. In fact she has already gone one better than Kate and had a handbag line named after her (A privilege usually reserved for the likes of Jane Birkin and Grace Kelly, or at least Alexa Chung).

British company Modalu was so thrilled she had bought its ‘Bristol’ bag in more than one colour that it renamed the bag the Pippa, and extended it to a range including a purse.

The first Pippa bag cost £169, a steal for an It-bag (they are usually £600, minimum). ‘Simple, graceful, timeless classics,’ says the grateful brand. Quite so.

Even French websites and weekly magazines are following Pippa’s style and showing their readers how to ape it.

Such praise is even rarer for an English girl than it is for an English restaurant (although it has been said that part of the Middleton sisters’ charm is that they dress like French girls, being more elegant than edgy).

Competitive: Pippa Middleton is said to be a keen tennis player and 'hates to lose'

Luckily, given all the gallivanting, Pippa is very close to her boss at  the party planning firm Table Talk, where she still works three days a week.

She ingeniously managed to get said boss, JoJo Browner, who is something of a mentor to her, the gig  of organising the evening party of  the Royal Wedding (although their plans for disco balls were said to  have put Palace noses out of joint  at the time).

And Browner must know the value of the publicity Pippa brings to her company.
Sources say, however, that her salary there, which includes ‘commission’ on the events she brings in (who knows how much for the Buckingham Palace bash — Prince Charles is said to have footed the bill for the night) is not enough to fund the lifestyle of a jet-setting Chelsea princess.

So just like pre-marriage Kate, Pippa is subsidised by her parents. Hence the desire to run her own business: her current income and lifestyle do not match up as yet.

No wonder the odd freebie (like the French Open) draws her in. Tennis in particular is irresistible to Pippa, as she herself is a competitive and accomplished player (‘she hates losing,’ says a friend).

She won a sports scholarship to Marlborough College and although she has put her trim figure down to pilates, today she is said to be competing in a triathalon with friends (That’s running, swimming, and bicycling. She entered at Blenheim in 2009 and is a formidable sprinter).

The big stage: Pippa Middleton and Prince Harry walk down the aisle for the royal wedding.

To be fair to Pippa, while she has been inundated with offers and could probably live a wholly sponsored, practically free, life — most marketers would pay her to wear, drive, or attend anything —  she has been careful to insist on  paying rather than taking or borrowing. (Shoe designer Aruna Seth, who made her silver strappy sandals for her evening party at the wedding, tried to ‘gift’ them to her, and was refused.)

But she still flits around town in a black BMW convertible, courtesy of her parents, and lives, when in London, off the King’s Road in Chelsea in a flat with brother James bought by Michael and Carole in cash for £750,000.

Although willing to bankroll their children, one friend says the Middleton parents aren’t necessarily as cash rich as they might seem at first, adding: ‘Ever since the wedding, Pippa has had a flood of job offers, including working for the Percy family and ventures controlled by the Rothschilds, but has been advised by the Palace that she can’t be seen to be cashing on the royal connection.’

Under scrutiny: The Royals are said to be keeping an eye on the Middleton business empire so that no attempt is made to cash in on their regal connections.

The Palace PR machine is attempting to keep a close eye on the  Middleton family business ventures.

James, for example, was stopped from opening a cake shop on the King’s Road because 'Kate was involved.’

Whatever Pippa or Kate do now is likely to be off the back of their parents’ firm — ‘they are a very cocoon-like family, they all huddle together’, says a friend — yet it will be hard to escape the fact that they will be seen as trading off the royal link without which no one would have heard of them.

For a nascent party planner, there can be no better calling card  than being the sister of the future Queen. Why would an oligarch, or aspirational host of any kind, go anywhere else?

‘Pippa has promised her parents she will work for them as much as possible to help pay back their generosity to her and develop Party Times, the arm of the Party Pieces company she wants to evolve into a full-on party organising company like Table Talk.'

‘Pippa has promised her parents she will work for them as much as possible to help pay back their generosity to her and develop Party Times, the arm of the Party Pieces company she wants to evolve into a full-on party organising company like Table Talk.

‘Table Talk is a learning curve for her so she can take that knowledge and put it into the family business,’ adds the friend.

The Party Times is just an online magazine, but Pippa believes she can turn it into an events business with her experience and connections; she is clever enough to know her worth now, and wants to capitalise on it.

‘The Middletons have a small mortgage on their house and they did plan on moving [they looked at a manor house once lived in by Camilla] but they can’t afford it right now,’ the friend continues.

‘They have said they are going to have to wait, due to how much they have spent in the past two years.

‘They are taking on new work for Party Pieces and are really focused on building the family business to an even higher earning capacity so they can sustain their lifestyle.

'I think Michael is quite stressed about it, but Carole beavers on. It’s causing quite a bit of tension in the household.’

Can you Beliebe it?: The Middletons have signed a contract to market Justin Bieber merchandise in the UK

And certainly they seem to be in expansion mode. They are said to have been deluged with orders from the U.S. since the wedding and — as the Mail revealed this week — have just signed a contract to market Justin Bieber merchandise in the UK.

The teen hero may have been swayed by his admiration for the Middleton girls, which he tweeted (along with half the world) during the wedding. No one turns down the Middletons now.

And what of Pippa’s boyfriend, square-jawed, good-looking former county cricketer Alex  Loudon, who hasn’t been seen much of late?

Certainly it was very much ‘on’ with him around the time of the wedding, which he attended, along with Kate’s confirmation in March, although he has definitely been keeping a low profile since then.

He is very well-liked and friends hope it will last, with one saying ‘he is a thoughtful, measured person. Bright, talented — both in sport and business. He is a decent chap and is bound to be a success.’

Many thought her sudden fame and army of new admirers would mean Loudon would no longer be enough of a catch for the ambitious Miss Middleton Junior, but the run of European mini-breaks  without him might have a wholesome and reasonable explanation: Alex still likes to play a lot of cricket in season, particularly for the  Eton Ramblers (the school’s old boys’ team).

For his part, this Kent-raised friend of Prince William, now with a perch in the City, has told friends he thinks Pippa is ‘The One’, and there were rumours of an imminent engagement last month.

Loudon might be advised to think about it or hold back on the cricketing weekends, as many a young man has been ditched for his love of sport.

Because one thing’s for certain: Pippa Middleton is not a girl who’s short of offers.

Pippa Hits Madrid With Old Flame - And The Girls

By Lara Gould

The Daily Mail
15th May 2011

It has only been a few days since Pippa Middleton was at the centre of speculation that she was about to tie the knot with her devoted boyfriend Alex Loudon.

But the City trader was nowhere to be seen when 27-year-old Pippa flew to Madrid for a  weekend away with the girls...and her ex.

She was relaxed and happy in the company of old flame George Percy, the 26-year-old  son of the Duke of Northumberland, one of Britain’s richest men.

City break: Pippa Middleton is spending the weekend in Madrid where she went nightclubbing with friends.

They dated while at Edinburgh University, where they were also flatmates, and have been friends for nearly ten years.

George helped Pippa with her luggage, pushing their trolley through Madrid airport on Friday, before heading to a hotel.

They emerged with friends at dusk, with Pippa carrying a bottle of champagne in a red bag, and headed to nearby Fortuna nightclub, one of Madrid’s most exclusive.

Travelling companions: Pippa Middleton and long-time male friend George Percy, landed at Madrid airport on Friday

And if it was a heavy night, Pippa wasn’t going to let it show, emerging yesterday morning sporting dark sunglasses and wearing a strapless black-and-white spotted sundress as she led her friends on a  shopping and sightseeing trip, tourist map in hand.

After a few hours on their feet the group stopped at a cafe for a glass of wine. Pippa was spotted stifling a laugh as she gave  her approval to photographs taken on a friend’s camera.

Maid of Honour: Pippa Middleton carries the train of her sister's dress at the Royal Wedding.

Pippa Middleton Lands Hot New Job
With Ex-Boyfriend George Percy

by Susie Boniface

Sunday Mirror

She sent temperatures soaring as a stunning bridesmaid at the royal wedding... now Pippa Middleton is going to help turn hot water into ­electricity.

Pippa, 27 has just taken on a new “green” job working for her ex-boyfriend George Percy, who runs a geothermal energy firm.

She is juggling the role with her two-days-a-week commitment to party planning firm Table Talk and editing an online magazine for her parents’ firm Party Pieces.

It comes after she spent a week with George, the 26-year-old son of the Duke of Northumberland, and a group of friends in ­Madrid.

A pal said: “Pip and George are really close friends so when he needed someone to help out with office stuff, she was the obvious person to ask. She’s enjoying getting stuck in to something new.”

George set up the business last year with ­mining magnate Algy Cluff, who owns gold mines in war-torn Sierra Leone, to find ways of turning hot water stored underground into heat and electricity.

Along with experts from Newcastle ­University, they are drilling boreholes in ­Co Durham, and Pippa is expected to help with lobbying for a new licensing system from the government so they can go into production. The job is a ­return to the Middleton family’s roots, as Pippa and sister Kate’s great-great-grandparents were Durham coal-­miners.

Pippa has been seen coming and ­going from Percy’s West London offices.

But she hasn’t been seen with long-term boyfriend, broker Alex ­Loudon, since her sister married Prince William.

Perhaps after all the attention she’s been getting, he’s feeling a bit green too...

Duke’s Son Who Could Make Pippa Richer Than Katie
George Percy, 26

Pippa is said to have a soft spot for George Percy, 26, with whom she lived at university but despite rumours to the contrary, the couple never dated.

The 26-year-old son of the Duke of Northumberland, George is known for being rather a serious-minded fellow.

He studied geography at Edinburgh University and then went on to study Arabic at the University of Damascus.

Last year he set up a geothermal energy firm with mining magnate Algy Cluff, who owns gold mines in Sierra Leone.

The company aims to find ways of turning hot water stored underground into heat and electricity and it was recently revealed that Pippa is about to start working for them.

She is expected to help with lobbying local councils and will combine it with her job at the party planning firm Table Talk.

Quite what Alex Loudon, her long-term boyfriend, thinks about her new job is anyone’s guess.

Pippa is said to have a soft spot for George, with whom she lived at university.

Despite rumours to the contrary, the couple never dated – she had a relationship with George’s current flatmate, Jonathan ‘JJ’ Jardine Paterson, an heir to the Hong Kong banking family.

There is no suggestion George and Pippa are anything more than good friends but he is certainly a good catch, heir to 120,000 acres of land around Alnwick Castle, his Northumberland ancestral seat which doubles as Hogwarts in the Harry Potter films, a £150 million art collection and 200 acres at Syon Park, the family’s London home.

More importantly, perhaps, he also comes with a title.

A contemporary from Edinburgh said: ‘If anything were to ever happen with George, Pippa would be the Duchess of Northumberland one day and probably richer than Kate. Do I think she’d like to be a duchess one day? Yes, definitely.’

Kate Middleton's friend George Percy and mining tycoon Algy Cluff lead geothermal wells project.

George Percy, One Of Kate Middleton's Close Friends, 
Has Teamed Up With The Mining Veteran Algy Cluff 
To Drill One Of The UK's First Commercial Geothermal Wells

George Percy, Kate Middleton's friend and son of the Duke of Northumberland, is starting a geothermal well project along with Algy Cluff.

By James Quinn

Sunday Telegraph Deputy Business Editor
March 13, 2011

The unlikely pairing - Mr Percy is 26 and Mr Cluff is 70 - have signed a deal with the British arm of French cement giant Lafarge to explore the geothermal potential of a site in Weardale, County Durham, to test whether it can produce hot water at a commercial price.

Mr Percy - son of the Duke of Northumberland and former flatmate of Pippa Middleton, Ms Middleton's sister - began working with Mr Cluff last year.

Mr Cluff, the former Grenadier Guard who has run a string of exploration companies after making his fortune in oil in the 1970s, met Mr Percy two years ago when he was working in the Middle East on an oil research project.

The pair have formed Cluff Geothermal, utilising technology from Newcastle University, which will begin drilling the site later this year, with a plant up and running by 2013.

Lafarge is the company behind the proposed Eastgate Renewable Energy Village in County Durham, and Cluff Geothermal has signed an agreement that will allow it to begin detailed geothermal testing.

Professor Paul Younger, of Newcastle University, is a world expert on geothermal energy and sits on the Cluff board. He and his colleagues have already begun drilling at the site, and these boreholes will be used by Cluff Geothermal in the process.

The company will attempt to harness knowledge and research from the University's Sir Joseph Swan Institute for Energy Research, which Professor Younger leads.

Approximately 50pc of Cluff Geothermal's shares are co-owned by the two men and the university.

Professor Sir Christopher Edwards, former vice-chancellor of Newcastle, sits on Cluff's board.

It is understood the company is working on two further sites, one in the UK and one overseas.

Mr Percy confirmed the Lafarge tie-up, telling The Sunday Telegraph: "What we're doing is very different from the other geothermal projects."

Existing geothermal projects are in place at Cornwall's Eden Project and a district heating plant in Southampton subsidised with biomass.

Alnwick Community Development Trust

After 2 years of work the Trust is delighted to announce that the bronze statue to Northumberlands famous Knight, Sir Henry Percy - Harry Hotspur has now been unveiled. The statue stands in Pottergate, Alnwick and was unveiled by His Grace, The Duke of Northumberland on Friday 20th August 2010.The renowned Northumberland sculptor, Keith Maddison sculpted the statue.

The idea of a bronze statue of Harry Hotspur to commemorate the 700 year anniversary of the Percy family in Alnwick was first suggested by Cllr. Gordon Castle and the project was commissioned by the Trust. Hotspur was Alnwicks best known home grown hero, a warrior from childhood who fought against the Scots, the French and, finally, at the cost of his life, against the king. We now have an imposing statue to link our ancient town with its turbulent past. CCTV has been installed to help protect the statue.

We involved a lot of school children in the project and a number of groups visited the sculptors workshop to see the statue being made. Harry Hotspur is the stuff of legend and this was an excellent opportunity for local children to learn more about him and the history of Northumberland and be involved in the making of a statue that will stand in Alnwick for hundreds of years.

George, the eldest son of His Grace, the Duke of Northumberland and descendent of Harry Hotspur, agreed to model for the face.The statue was forged at Black Isle Bronze in NairnScotland.

Organisations represented on the Hotspur Statue Committee:

Alnwick Community Development Trust, Alnwick Civic Society, Alnwick District Council, Alnwick Lions, Alnwick Rotary Club, Alnwick Round Table, Alnwick Town Council, Bailiffgate Museum, Duchess Community High School, Dukes Middle School, Freeman of Alnwick, Lionheart Radio, Northumberland Estates, Northumberland Gazette, Northumbria Police, St. John’s RC First School, The Alnwick Garden, Thomas Percy RC Middle School.

The 12th Duke & Duchess of Northumberland

Alnwick Castle


1. George Dominic Percy, Earl Percy * 4-5-1984


2. Ralph George Algernon Percy, 12.Duke of Northumberland.
M: 21-7-1979
3. Isobel Jane Miller Richard; Lord Lieutenant of Northumberland 2009.
1959 -


4. Hugh Algernon Percy, 10.Duke of Northumberland.
6-4-1914 - 11-10-1988
M: 12-6-1946
5. Lady Elizabeth Diana Montagu-Douglas-Scott.
20-1-1922 –

6. John Walter Maxwell Miller Richard.
19-4-1933 –
7. Mary Angela Scott.


8. Alan Ian Percy, 8.Duke of Northumberland.
17-4-1880 + 23-8-1930
M; 18-10-1911
9. Lady Helen Gordon-Lennox.
13-12-1886 + 13-6-1965

10. Walter John Montagu-Douglas-Scott, 8.Duke of Buccleuch 
and 10.Duke of Queensberry.
30-12-1894 + 4-10-1973
M: 21-4-1921
11. Vreda Esther Mary (Mollie) Lascelles.
27-9-1900 + 9-2-1993

12.Major John Ernest Miller Richard.
26-10-1894 + 1984
13. Gaynor Woosnam.
10/12-1900 +

14. Thomas Ian Scott. d. 25-3-1949
15. Untraced.

Great-Great Grandparents

16. Henry George Percy, 7.Duke of Northumberland.
29-5-1846 + Alnwick Castle 14-5-1918
M: 23-12-1868
17. Lady Edith Campbell.
7-11-1849 + 6-7-1913

18. Charles Henry Gordon-Lennox, 7.Duke of Richmond and Lennox
2.Duke of Gordon, Duc d'Aubigny.
27-12-1845 + 18-1-1928
M: 3-7-1882
19. Isabel Sophia Craven.
28-4-1863 + 20-11-1887

20. John Charles Montagu-Douglas-Scott, 7.Duke of Buccleuch 
and 9.Duke of Queensberry.
30-3-1864 + 18-10-1935
M: 30-1-1893
21. Lady Margaret Alice Bridgeman.
20-1-1872 + 7-8-1954

22. William Frank Lascelles.
25-3-1863 + 8-7-1913
M: 4-11-1899
23. Lady Sybil Evelyn de Vere Beauclerk.
21-8-1871 + 20-9-1910

24.Walter Miller Richard.
24-3-1842 + ????
25. Margaret Cree.
28-10-1855 + ????

26. Charles Maxwell Woosnam, Canon of Chester
Archdeacon of Macclesfield 1893-1904.
6-8-1856 + ????
M: 10/12-1886
27. Mary Seely Philipson.
4/6-1865 + ????

28. William Robert Scott of Balfunning. d. 6-10-1941
29. Mary Ewing McArly.
9-12-1869 + 24-2-1961

30-31. Untraced.

Great-Great-Great Grandparents

32. Algernon George Percy, 6.Duke of Northumberland.
2-5-1810 +  2-1-1899
M: 26-5-1845
33. Louisa Drummond.
22-10-1813 +  17-12-1890

34. Sir George Douglas Campbell, 8.Duke of Argyll.
30-4-1823 + 24-4-1900
M: 31-7-1844
35. Lady Elizabeth Georgina Leveson-Gower.
30-4-1824 + 25-5-1878

36. Charles Henry Gordon-Lennox, 6.Duke of Richmond, Duke of Lennox, 
Duc d'Aubigny.
27-2-1818 + 27-9-1903
M: 28-11-1843
37. Frances Harriet Greville.
8-3-1824 + 8-3-1887

38. William George Craven.
12-5-1835 + 2-1-1906
M: 20-7-1857
39. Lady Marie Catherine Yorke.
d. 14-12-1890

40. William Henry Walter Montagu-Douglas-Scott, 6.Duke of Buccleuch 
and 8.Duke of Queensberry.
9-9-1831 + 5-11-1914
M: 22-11-1859
41. Lady Louisa Jane Hamilton.
16-8-1836 + 17-3-1912

42. George Cecil Orlando Bridgeman, 4.Earl of Bradford.
3-2-1845 + 2-1-1915
M: 7-9-1869
43. Lady Ida Frances Annabella Lumley.
28-11-1848 + 22-8-1936

44. Rt. Hon. Sir Frank Cavendish Lascelles.
23-3-1841 + 2-1-1920
M: 25-6-1867
45. Mary Emma Olliffe.
d. 3-4-1897

46. William Amelius Aubrey de Vere Beauclerk, 10.Duke of Saint-Albans. 
15-4-1840 + 10-5-1898
M: 20-6-1867
47. Sybil Mary Grey.
28-11-1848 + 7-9-1871

48.Walter Richard.
3-2-1802 + ????
M: 5-4-1822
49. Mary Magaline Miller.
7-6-1800 + ????

50. James Cree.
27-2-1817 + ????
M: 21-6-1853
51. Agnes Paxton Crabbie.
15-11-1832 + ????

52. James Bowen Woosnam.
28-1-1812 +
53. Agnes Bell. 1818 + ???

54. Hilton Philipson.
1834 + 3-2-1904
M: 13-4-1858
55. Jane Dorothy Daglish.
7-4-1835 + 1906

56-57.  Untraced.

58.Thomas McArly.
184. + ????
M: 10-3-1869
59. Isabella Lang Ewing.
28-12-1845 + ????

60-63. Untraced.

Great-Great-Great-Great Grandparents

64. George Percy, 5.Duke of Northumberland, 2.Earl of Beverley.
22-6-1778 + 22-8-1867
M: 22-6-1801
65. Louisa Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie.
10-1781 + 30-6-1848

66. Henry Drummond (Viscounts Strathallan).
5-12-1786 + 20-2-1860
M: 23-6-1807
67. Lady Henrietta Hay-Drummond.
d. 7-10-1854

68. John Douglas Edward Henry Campbell, 7.Duke of Argyll.
21-12-1777 + 25-4-1847
M: 17-4-1820
69. Joan Glassel.   
d. 22-1-1828

70. George Leveson-Gower, 2.Duke of Sutherland.
8-8-1786 + 28-2-1861
M: 27-5-1823
71. Lady Harriet Howard.
21-5-1806 + 27-01-1868

72. Charles Gordon-Lennox, 5.Duke of Richmond, Duke of Lennox,        
Duc d'Aubigny.
3-8-1791 + 21-10-1860
M: 10-4-1817
73. Lady Caroline Paget.
6-6-1796 + 12-3-1874

74. Algernon Frederick Greville (Barons Brooke).
29-6-1798 + 15-12-1864
M: 7-4-1823
75. Charlotte Maria Cox.
d. 13-4-1841

76. Hon. George Augustus Craven.
15-12-1810 + 26-7-1836
M: 23-12-1833
77. Georgina Smythe.
d. 11-12-1867

78. Charles Philip Yorke, 4.Earl of Hardwicke.
2-4-1799 + 17-9-1873
79. Hon. Susan Liddell.
1809/10 + 22-11-1886

80. Walter Francis Montagu-Douglas-Scott, 5.Duke of Buccleuch 
and 7.Duke of Queensberry.
25-11-1806 + 16-4-1884
M: 13-8-1829
81. Lady Charlotte Anne Thynne.
10-4-1811 + 28-3-1895

82. Sir James Hamilton, 1.Duke, 2.Marquess and 10.Earl of Abercorn.  
21-1-1811 + 31-10-1885
M: 26-10-1832
83. Lady Louisa Jane Russell.
8-7-1812 + 31-3-1905

84. Orlando George Charles Bridgeman, 3.Earl of Bradford.
24-4-1819 + 9-3-1898
M: 30-4-1844
85. Hon. Selina Louise Weld-Forester.
d. 25-11-1894

86. Richard George Lumley, 9.Earl of Scarborough.
7-5-1813 + 5-12-1884
M: 8-10-1846
87. Frederica Mary Adeliza Drummond (Earls of Perth).
d. 2-4-1907

88. Rt. Hon. William Saunders Sebright Lascelles.
29-10-1798 + 2-7-1851
M: 14-5-1823
89. Lady Caroline Georgina Maud Howard.
d. 27-11-1881

90. Sir Joseph Francis Olliffe.
M: 19-4-1841
91. Laura Cubitt.
5-1-1823 + ????

92. William Aubrey de Vere Beauclerk, 9.Duke of Saint-Albans.
24-3-1801 + 27-5-1849
M: 29-5-1839
93. Elizabeth Catherine Gubbins.
d. 2-12-1893

94. Hon. Charles Grey .
15-3-1804 + 31-3-1870
M: 26-7-1836
95. Caroline Eliza Farquhar.
d. 4-11-1890

96. John Richard.
d. 24-3-1838
M: 27-1-1796
97. Ann Hogg.

98. William Miller.
1767 + ????
M: 22-4-1792
99. Margaret Duff.
1771 + ????

100. William Cree.
11-4-1791 + 1840
101. Margaret Low.
d. 25-1-1871

102. John Crabbie.
2-12-1806 + 1891
M: 1-12-1831
103. Margaret Smith.
1813+ 1881

104. Bowen Woosnam.
1770/71 + 3-9-1841
M: 25-1-1805
105. Elizabeth Cole.

106. William Bell of Bellbrook.
1779 + 1860
107. Esther Foxall.
d. 1820

108. Ralph Park Philipson.
1-10-1799 + 1879
M: 23-8-1823
109. Jane Hilton.

110. John Daglish.
M: 27-2-1826
111. Mary Wilkinson.

112-115. Untraced.

116. N. McArly.
d. 1869
117. Untraced.

118. Robert Lang Ewing.
M: 3-12-1845
119. Mary Hunter.

120.-127. Untraced.


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