Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Khloe Kardashian Comes Under Fire For Insensitive Rape Comment

Completely understandable! She needs to understand that using that term the way she did is unacceptable!
Khloe Kardashian recently compared the new security precautions being taken in airports to being raped, and in response, many organizations and advocates for victim's rights are lashing out the reality star for her insensitivity!
Jazmin Robles, of the Santa Barbara Rape Crisis Center, explains:

I think it was an ill-informed thing for her to say. It was a very strong comment to make because rape is defined as ‘forceful penetration’ and a lot of young women look up to celebrities like the Kardashians. We are all about educating people about rape at our Center and by using the word in this context it blurs the issue as to what it actually constitutes. Maybe Khloe Kardashian is not educated enough on this subject to be talking about it in the context of airport security.”
Attorney Gloria Allred also says:

Rape is a crime of violence. I believe that the word should not be used loosely to describe security measures at airports or at any other place. I think that many victims of sexual assault who have been the true victims of men who committed that violent crime against them and who have been forced to suffer the physical and emotional harm that results from that crime would be insulted that the term would be used in the way that Ms. Kardashian used it. Words matter and the word ‘rape’ should be used with caution and with great respect for the victims who have been forced to endure it. It is completely inappropriate to use that word for scans or pat downs at airports.”
Jessica M. Cavey, of the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, also agreed with the previous sentiments:

We do take exception to the use of the word ‘rape’ to describe airport security procedures, because that is both unfair to security personnel who have a different purpose for touching people; and it also minimizes the experience of an actual rape, which is a very severe and traumatic form of violence.
All very well-spoken!
We're not sure if Khloe was just trying to be funny, or she honestly didn't realize how inappropriate she was being, but we sincerely hope that realizes that throwing the word rape around is not to be taken lightly, and that she puts more thought into what she says next time.
Furthermore, it's important that everyone tries to take more thought when speaking, especially on a public platform.
It may not seem like a big deal to some, but for many, those words and what they mean have had a devastating and permanent impact on their lives.